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Humanizing Banking

Strategist: Andrea Obradors·Puerto

Client:  Chase Bank

Date:  Spring 2020


In the Digital Era, all types of businesses and enterprises globally are translating their current services into digital channels, including banking. Chase Bank is looking for alternatives and solutions to engage their customers to use its new e-platforms, however, what if the user may ask what are they really receiving in exchange? Instead of looking at this as an amazing opportunity to rethink financial services and what is offered to their customers, some banks are stuck on how to translate their same current services using this variety of new technologies instead of looking at their actualized relationships with their customers. So, what if the barrier between Chase’s customers and Chase was, actually, themselves as a bank?

This project defines an alternative design framework for banking that specifically focuses on approaching future challenges from a human perspective, we can replace the prioritizing of user’s money to now prioritize the customer’s need.  A new tool would help to navigate future challenges based on controlling and anticipating the industry constraints and requirements while understanding when is the right time to ask what (what-why-who-when-where-how-what) and how to take action from those answers. Because in the end, we are only going to get the correct answer if we ask the right question.  


Andrea Obradors·Puerto



Andrea Obradors·Puerto is an Industrial Designer and Product Engineer from Barcelona, Spain. She focused her career on environmental viability, human-centred design and social consciousness. She has the vision to be in the enterprise or business world in a way that’s related to the social field in terms of how human behaviour interacts with design, believing that innovative design has the power to change the very fabric of society and looking for turning that kind of change into a reality.


Andrea is a fearless futures orientated designer, always ready to act on big ideas and to do any hands-on work. Her passion and empathy drive her to constantly improve her skills and approach new challenges with a strategic and creative lens.


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