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Clean, Fresh Air

Client: Airstream

Team: Erika Rittenhouse

Date:  Spring 2019


improvin civilty

What if we could breathe clean, fresh air everywhere we went? 


We live in a world where people are always moving and traveling. As humanity progresses, we will gain access to undisturbed lands, travel more, experience more, and overall have exposure to more environments than today.


By 2050 this exposure will have initiated; more people working remotely, societal emphasis on mindfulness and healthcare, and a spiritual shift that changes the way we interact with the environment.  People won’t just "travel", they will make it a priority to see the natural wonders before they disappear. Mindful, deep breathing will become a norm that connects people with themselves and their environment. Along the way air quality is a concern as well. 


Contacts enhance your vision, Puff. will enhance your breaths. The Puff. device dispenses a spirit of air that allows you to have deeper, more efficient breaths while also protecting you from toxins. This band-aid like device goes inside the nostril and is disposable.

Puff allows you to have deeper, more efficient breaths while also protecting you from toxins.

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